COVID-19 Safety Measures

Northwest Marine Technology takes health and safety seriously. We want you to know that we are committed to reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and are providing a healthy and safe workplace for our employees, customers, and guests.


In addition to workplace protocols, NMT has mandated proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment.  We have a 100% vaccination rate among employees.


AutoFish Training

  • Effective August 15, 2021 – Before deploying NMT employees for AutoFish training, we will require proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination of your AutoFish operators/staff needing assistance. Additionally, all NMT employees and customers must wear protective face coverings that cover their nose and mouth while inside the trailer, and in any other setting where they are in close proximity. If proof of vaccination is unavailable, the training will be postponed until the risk of COVID-19 has been eliminated or proof of vaccination is provided. 
  • AutoFish Training for any person with symptoms of COVID-19 must be rescheduled.

AutoFish Field Service Visits

  • Effective August 15, 2021 – Before deploying NMT employees for AutoFish service, we will require proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination of your AutoFish operators/staff needing in-person assistance. Additionally, all NMT employees and customers must wear protective face coverings that cover their nose and mouth while inside the trailer, and in any other setting where they are in close proximity.  If proof of vaccination is unavailable, the service will be postponed until the risk of COVID has been eliminated or proof of vaccination is provided. Alternatively, customers without proof of vaccination can leave the area until all service is complete and NMT employees have left the premises. 
  • AutoFish service requiring close contact with any customer having symptoms of COVID-19 must be rescheduled.

Customers and guests visiting an NMT office

  • If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please postpone your visit to NMT.
  • All customers and guests must wear protective face coverings that covers their nose and mouth while visiting NMT. NMT employees will do the same. Social distancing guidelines must be observed, and where possible, interactions will be outside of our buildings.