Coded Wire Tags
Tiny stainless steel fish tag with numeric code for batch and individual identification.
Tiny stainless steel fish tag with numeric code for batch and individual identification.
Colorful, internal tags that you can still see - Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) and VI Alpha
Robotic fish handling for adipose fin clipping and tagging juvenile hatchery salmonids.
We specialize in fish tags and fish tagging, and invite you to explore their applications to your project. Managers and scientists use fish tags to learn about how fish grow, who catches them, where they go, and how long they live, for example.
Our tags include Coded Wire Tags (CWT), Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) and Visible Implant Alpha (VI Alpha). They were first developed for salmon, but are now used worldwide with a wide range of fish species, crustaceans, cephalopods, reptiles, amphibians and other animals throughout the world. Projects range from identifying a few animals in the lab to coastwide programs. In the Pacific NW, over 2 billion juvenile salmon have been tagged with Coded Wire Tags. This vast program inspired the development of AutoFish System for clipping and tagging tens of millions of fish per year.